Featured Story

This week I want to talk about ...myself.

Well you can read all about my story, how I got here, and how I am not just another fitness professional on the homepage, I want to discuss where I am in this point in my life, through Q & A.

What do you do for a living?

- I am enrolled, full-time in college (South-East Pennsylvania), for Health & Physical Education, the only dual-bachelor health/PE program in the nation. I am not working because this is my senior year and I devote everything I have to my school work (Student teaching is serious stuff!) ! I am lucky enough to have benefactors in my life that support me until the semesters end.

 BUT - my company, Max Fitness is completely operational and I am available for a variety of types of personal training at specified times. For some clients, I bring them to my home gym where I have a full dumbbell and weight set, matted floors, industrial Pull Up bar, foam rollers, adjustable benches and more! Others with gym memberships - I ask that they provide me with guest passes, and I double-check with the gym to make sure I am allowed to train clients in their' facilites.

What is your' personal workout and nutrition plan like?

Well...Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?

 Seriously though - my personal exercise and nutrition plans vary constantly. If someone asked me to give them health advice in one word, variety.

My workout plan cycles depending on what I feel I lack, if I feel I am plateauing (my personal goal has always been lose more body fat), or if I discover New research that interests me!

As I write this, I am into full-body, high-intensity workouts - about 2-3 days a week (workouts last 1.5 hours). This means some days it is lap running with body weight/weighted exercises in-between, upper-lower-ab (1-2-3) circuit exercises, and plenty of stretching/foam rolling before and after.

As for nutrition - I have been turned onto The Slow-Carb Diet (Tim Ferris). All I will say is this diet is somewhat "magic". I have had amazing results mentally and physically.

I will describe this in future posts, but if you want details - click that link! The basics: No dairy, no wheat, no gluten, no sugar and no fruit. 1 cheat day a week to eat whatever (EAT: veggies, meats, eggs, BEANS. Drink: Water, coffee (no sugar, no cream buddy!).

Eating this way with a high-intense workout schedule can cause major energy issues. This is why I sometimes use timed carb-loading which again, is recommended in the link above and the amazing book The 4-Hour Body (Tim Ferris)

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